So I want to keep my love recipe in this blog. I got many books from the US, including the recipes. I do love chocolate. But I have to limit myself because I will get fat. I wish to make and bake some. The first recipe is Chocolate Fruit Tarlets.
Serves six
2 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
2/3 cup butter
3 tbsp superfine sugar
2-3 tbsp water
1 ¾ oz/50 g semisweet chocolate
½ cup chopped mixed nuts, toasted
12 oz/350 g prepared fruit
3 tbsp apricot jelly or red currant jelly
1. Sift the flour and cocoa into a mixing bowl. Cut the butter into small pieces and rub into the flour with your fingertips until the mistrue resembles fine bread crumbs.

2. Stir in the sugar. Add enough of the water to mix to a soft dough - about 1-2 tablespoons. Cover and chill for 15 minutes.
3. Roll out the pie dough on a lightly floured counter and use to line 6 tarlet pans, each 4 iches/10 cm across. Prick the shells with a fork and line with a little crumpled foil. Bake in a preheated oven 190C, for 10 minutes.
3. Roll out the pie dough on a lightly floured counter and use to line 6 tarlet pans, each 4 iches/10 cm across. Prick the shells with a fork and line with a little crumpled foil. Bake in a preheated oven 190C, for 10 minutes.

4. Remove the foil and bake for another 5-10 minutes, until the pie dough is crisp.
5. Melt the chocolate. Spread out the toasted chopped mixed nuts on a plate. Remove the pie shells from the pans. Spread melted chocolate on the rims, then dip in the nuts. Let the chocolate set.

6. Arrange the fruit in the tarlet shells. Metl the jelly and brush it over the fruit. Chill the tarlets until required.

NOTE: In the steps 1-4, I think you can use crushed crackers instead of all-purpose flour. You do not need to bake it in the oven. You melt butter and mix it with crushed crackers. Then you press the mixture into the tarlet pans, prick the shells with a fork, and put them in the microwave about 5 minutes. You get the tarlet shells by using crackers pie, then you follow the steps 5 and 6. You will get another kind of tarlets. Moreover, you can fill whipped cream or solf cheese before topping with the fruit. Try!!! and tell me what you think.
I love chocolate,but it makes me FAT!
I like the fruit,especially strawberry on the top!
I will try it when I'm free!
Thanks for the recipe:-)
Try and do not forget to tell me how it tastes. Do not add much chocolate, but fruits instead. This recipe does not need much fat. You will not get fat if you do not fill whipped cream. I will find some more recipes ka.
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